We’ve heard stories of our salvation history, sang songs, prayed prayers, learned about baptism, prayed some more, and here we are to hear more words in the sermon which I am deliberately going to keep short because we still have two more stories to hear: we have the Baptism story and the Eucharist story still to hear and recite and remember. All of these are remembrances of this Love Story between God and us.
Welcome to the Great Vigil of Easter. Tonight we have themes bouncing one against another, bumping into another; did you hear them?
Darkness to Light
Fire and Water
Mystery and Revelation
Fear to Faith
Slavery to freedom
Death to Life
Sin to Salvation
Tonight, at the apex of the Christian year, we tell the story of God
and God’s people and we proclaim Christ risen from death to life. It’s an overwhelming night of words, words,
words, words, words. We now have 50 days
of Easter – Thanks be to God – 50 days to try to assimilate all of the these
words and stories into our lives – to let them speak to us again
this year, because we hear it all differently every year. We are called again to try to live into our Belovedness as God's people.
Here’s your down and dirty summation of all of the words tonight: God loved us so much that He became one of us so that He might be with us always. Even death is powerless before God. Even Death Cannot Conquer God's Love. Alleluia He is risen!! The Lord is risen indeed Alleluia!
As we consider God’s love for us, let us now turn to the Baptism: